Now, I will admit I'm not going to enjoy the 150-degree heat this summer in East Texas. Not by a long shot. No, sirrreeeeee! I was pretty partial to those cool, dry afternoons in Colorado. I won't lie to ya. Not looking forward to the heat or the humidity, but...
I am looking forward to getting our swimming pool completed. Our youngest little dude is two and he can't wait to jump in. Thank goodness someone else is going to be teaching him how to swim because I sink like a rock without a nice plastic pineapple full of margarita in my hand. :)
It's already April and I've been busy planting lots of things for a summer harvest. I planted a small salsa garden with plenty of tomatoes, peppers, onions, and cilantro. I also planted a herb garden with fresh mint (for mojitos), oregano, thyme, fresh basil. The plants are in bloom and I'm getting hungry for some good eatin'.
There seems to be a sense of hope and anticipation in the air. I've noticed people are just happy to be out. They are kinder and much more appreciative of their freedoms. It's nice to be heading back in the direction of normal again--whatever that's gonna look like.
Take care and be watching for this month's newsletter!